Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Origami Yoda

I recently reviewed The Strange Case of Origami Yoda by Tom Angleberger. At the back of the book comes instructions on making a simple origami yoda and as this year's Summer Reading Challenge is the "Space Hop" I thought I would test drive making my own Yoda with a view to incorporating it in the summer activities programme. Origami Yoda is flanked by Easter egg boxes of Yoda and Chewbacca downloaded from the Star Wars website:


  1. This no longer available ont he starwars website. Can you email the template?

  2. The egg box is too cute! Does anyone have the templates? No longer found on the website.

  3. Do you have the template for the boxes? I cant find them anywhere :-(

  4. I don't sorry. I wish I'd kept a copy now.
